"I would rather live in a world where my life was surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it." - Harry Emerson Fosdick
The trees, whose wonderful autumn colours delighted us only a short time ago, have now lost their "glory terrestrial" and, overnight, their nakedness has been magically transformed by a "glory celestial" as the first snows of winter fell.
The dogs, naturally, are enchanted by this strange element that has invaded their garden. Despite her extremely short legs, Poppy is among the most enthusiastic and manages to collect impressive quantities of snowballs in her fur from chasing the others around the lawn.
Snow has always held a fascination for me. Watching snowflakes fall is incredibly hypnotic; these countless, ethereal crystals floating so silently from the sky in their microscopic perfection. It has been said that every snowflake is unique - if that is so (and I like to believe it is!) what an absolutely astonishing mystery of nature it is that lies out there in its translucent, transforming and, ultimately, transient beauty.