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Scarborough, United Kingdom
Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner and INLPTA Certified Trainer

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

More Choice is better than No Choice

"If you want to make the right decision for the future, fear is not a very good consultant." - Markus Dohle

HOW DO YOU decide what course of action to take when presented with a difficult decision? It's interesting how often fear guides our choice of direction - fear of losing one's security, or of rejection, or what others might think. Fear reduces our choices and takes away our power to feel in control of a situation; when we are fearful we are at the "Effect" side of the Cause-Effect equation - a victim of circumstances. This is when we can find ourselves making excuses and blaming others for our situation - no wonder we don't feel in control, because we are not! Does this lead to a bold, balanced or useful decision? Not usually!
Now take a moment to wonder what could happen when we are able to consider our options without associating with those feelings of fear, or other negative emotions such as anger, which can also cloud our judgement? This effectively takes us to the other side of the equation - the "Cause" side. With the Cause side comes taking responsibility; and when we take responsibility then we take control - our decisions can then be made from a grounded position of strength and boldness, and instead of reaction we have a true choice.
Pay attention to the underlying thoughts behind your decisions today... are you operating from the Effect side, or are you at Cause? Many useful techniques exist to help us to move from Effect to Cause - NLP, Memory Resolution, self-hypnosis, Sedona, EFT... to name just a few. More choice is always better than no choice!

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