Have you ever tried committing random acts of kindness? When somebody lets you out at a junction, how does it make you feel? More likely to let somebody else pull out? Absolutely! However small, these acts of kindness have a huge, incalculable ripple effect. And, of course, the person doing the kind act also feels good - so it's a complete win-win situation! What if we all deliberately set out to commit at least one random act of kindness every day... how much difference do you think that will make to yourself and to others? And what if we did two....?
"Be kind - because wherever you go, there you are."
About Me

- Joanna Taylor
- Scarborough, United Kingdom
- Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner and INLPTA Certified Trainer
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Monday, 20 July 2009
Thought for Monday...
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind." - William James
Thursday, 16 July 2009
A Part or Apart?
A client came to see me the other day and said she was suffering from a feeling of "disconnection". This made me very curious; from whom, or what, was she feeling disconnected? She told me that she somehow felt distanced from the world, and with it, a feeling of sadness.
This seems to be quite a common feeling, especially amongst those who live and work in urban environments. One way to deal with it is to get out into nature - find a park or a garden; take off your shoes if you can, and feel the earth under your feet. Close your eyes and imagine a physical connection between yourself and the Earth; pay attention to the feeling of gravity and notice how attached you really are!
Choose something on which to focus your eyes; perhaps a leaf or a flower, or even a cloud. Allow your focus to soften slightly and maintain your gaze. In your head, say three things to yourself about the visual experience. Then notice the sounds - again in your head, say three things to yourself about things you can hear. Then pay attention to your feelings and say three things to yourself about what you can feel. Return to the visual and repeat the exercise, this time with two things and then again with one thing. Notice how focused you are on each of the things you choose to notice.
When you are ready, return to here and now and notice the feelings of calmness, groundedness and connection that are now present. We are all a part of the world in which we live; we cannot be apart. Sometimes we just need to reinforce that connection.
This seems to be quite a common feeling, especially amongst those who live and work in urban environments. One way to deal with it is to get out into nature - find a park or a garden; take off your shoes if you can, and feel the earth under your feet. Close your eyes and imagine a physical connection between yourself and the Earth; pay attention to the feeling of gravity and notice how attached you really are!
Choose something on which to focus your eyes; perhaps a leaf or a flower, or even a cloud. Allow your focus to soften slightly and maintain your gaze. In your head, say three things to yourself about the visual experience. Then notice the sounds - again in your head, say three things to yourself about things you can hear. Then pay attention to your feelings and say three things to yourself about what you can feel. Return to the visual and repeat the exercise, this time with two things and then again with one thing. Notice how focused you are on each of the things you choose to notice.
When you are ready, return to here and now and notice the feelings of calmness, groundedness and connection that are now present. We are all a part of the world in which we live; we cannot be apart. Sometimes we just need to reinforce that connection.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Would You Like the World to be a Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Place?
If you know somebody who is struggling with money worries or who would like to expand their wealth mindset to receive more, then send them to Joe Vitale's Blog at http://blog.mrfire.com/
He's posted "29 Ways to Attract Money Now", which is an excerpt from his forthcoming book, which will shortly be available free of charge to anybody who wishes to register on his site: http://www.attractmoneynow.com/
As Joe says - "If you want the world to be a healthy, wealthy and happy place, then start by contributing one healthy, wealthy and happy person - yourself!"
He's posted "29 Ways to Attract Money Now", which is an excerpt from his forthcoming book, which will shortly be available free of charge to anybody who wishes to register on his site: http://www.attractmoneynow.com/
As Joe says - "If you want the world to be a healthy, wealthy and happy place, then start by contributing one healthy, wealthy and happy person - yourself!"
Monday, 13 July 2009
Happiness is a Warm Puppy
Poppy arrived today - and has been greeted by general adulation from all of us. A happy and contented little soul - she has settled in remarkably quickly, completely unfazed by the other three canine members of staff, who have also been remarkably unfazed by this unexpected addition to their ranks. Poppy now has the joy of discovering the delights of carpets and sofas; coming as she does from a kennel environment which, although scrupulously clean, was nevertheless a little on the spartan side. Once it stops raining, she will also have the pleasure of exploring the garden - what excitement awaits amongst the herbacious borders!
What would happen if we were all to explore our world with such wanton curiosity? Maybe we would discover the untold secrets and pleasures that lie all around us, if only we have the ability to pay sufficient attention to what our senses are telling us.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Victim of Circumstance or Master of Destiny...?
"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in the world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them." - George Bernard Shaw
Are you living at the effect of the circumstances in your life, or are you at the cause side of the cause and effect equation? To achieve what you want in life, find a way to move to the cause side and take responsibility for your own results. When you are at effect, you are giving away your power. Take back your power and realise your dreams!
Are you living at the effect of the circumstances in your life, or are you at the cause side of the cause and effect equation? To achieve what you want in life, find a way to move to the cause side and take responsibility for your own results. When you are at effect, you are giving away your power. Take back your power and realise your dreams!
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
The pattering of tiny paws...
A new family member is soon to be arriving in our midst - our three canine members of staff are shortly to be enhanced by the addition of Poppy; a small Lhasa Apso of endearing temperament. The dogs teach me a lot about happiness; living in the moment as they do, they have an amazing talent for it. Even if they fall out with each other (and they occasionally do!), five minutes later they can be curled up in a basket together, oblivious of whatever it was that caused the disagreement. They accept each other, and us, completely unconditionally and it is without question a wonderful thing to have somebody so enthusiastically delighted to see you each time you walk through the door - even when you have only been gone a few minutes!
Everyone who comes into our life has something to teach us. Spend some time as the student of your dog and discover what can happen when you live in the moment; experiencing the world through the filters of boundless enthusiasm and unconditional acceptance!
Monday, 6 July 2009
Is the grass really greener...?
James Oppenheim wrote, "The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet." The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence; fences have nothing to do with it - the grass is greenest where it is watered. When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass wherever you may be.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Don't Worry - Be Happy
It makes no sense to worry about things which you cannot control, because you cannot control them. Those things you can control, you can control - so again, there is no need to worry. You either have control, or you don't!
What we focus on is what tends to expand in our life - if we are always thinking about what we don't have or don't want, then that is what will expand.
What we focus on is what tends to expand in our life - if we are always thinking about what we don't have or don't want, then that is what will expand.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Take a look inside...
St Augustine wrote, "How is it we journey to wonder at the might of the mountains, the surge of the seas, the roaming of the rivers, the awesomeness of the oceans and circling of the stars... While we pass ourselves by without ever wondering?" When we take time to look inside ourselves, through self-hypnosis or meditation, it helps to give us greater clarity of thought - and sometimes to find treasure in unexpected places!
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